
卫理公会以萨迦守望者 16-22/12/2021
一、 家庭
二、 教会
三、 国家
四、 世界
Issachar Watchmen Methodist 16-22/12/2021
Prayer Items for 3rd week of December
1. Family
A. Christian Families
May God grant wisdom to Christian parents to teach their children to walk in The Way, so that their next generation would grow up in the truth and become children that please God.
May the Holy Spirit be their navigator, to guide them to live out Christian godliness in this Pandemic era.
B. Politicians’ Families
Pray for the families of Christian politicians, ask God to help their family members to be understanding and considerate towards the hardships they face in their political career, giving them encouragement and loving concern. Also pray that the Holy Spirit would guide the politicians in time management with their families and provide them with loving care.
2. Church
A. Pray for wisdom from God to help us declare and pass on the good news of Christmas during the Pandemic, so that more people may come to know our Lord Jesus and His Heavenly Peace.
B. Pray for the pastors and church leaders, that God bless them with wisdom to care for brothers and sisters who are troubled by the Pandemic, so that they can walk out of the shadow cast by the Pandemic by relying on Jesus.
C. May God teach Christians how to continue to be salt and light for the Lord in this Pandemic era, so that through us, non-believers can see that we are different.
3. Country/Nation
A. Pray for Sarawak State Election which falls on December 18, 2021
We pray to God for this coming Saturday. Pray that the Holy Spirit guide and move every voter to full-fill their electoral duties, to value their voting rights and actively participate in the upcoming state election.
Pray for the weather on election day. May God grant us beautiful weather and the citizens are willing to abide by the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
Pray that the entire state election can proceed smoothly in a fair and just manner.
May God pours His Love on Malaysia, so that Malaysians can live in a harmonious community, and be loving and considerate towards each other.
4. World
A. Pray for International Police (Interpol). May God grant them a keen heart to know how to solve various crimes. Pray for Criminal Police across the globe, that God will give them the ability to unite as one to protect the safety of people all over the world regardless of origin.
B. Pray for United Nations. Pray that God grant them Wisdom to know how to promote cooperation amongst nations in International Law, International Security, Economic Development, Social Progress, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, Political Freedom, Democracy, and the realization of lasting World Peace.
Isakhar Pengawal Methodist 16-22/12/2021
Doa minggu ketiga Disember
A. Keluarga kristian
Moga Tuhan memberikan hikmat kepada ibu bapa yang beragama kritikan untuk mengajar anak-anak mereka berjalan dalam firman Tuhan supaya generasi muda akan selalu membesar dalam kebenaran dan menjadi anak yang menyenangkan Tuhan.
Semoga Roh Kudus menjadi panduan mereka, membimbing mereka cara menjalani ibadah yang wajar dalam pandemik ini.
B. Keluarga ahli politik
Berdoa untuk keluarga ahli politik, berdoa agar Tuhan memberi pemahaman kepada ahli keluarga supaya mereka memahami kesusahan mereka dalam kerjaya politik mereka, dan sering memberi galakkan dan kasih kepada mereka. Berdoa agar Roh Kudus membimbing ahli politik cara meluangkan masa dengan ahli keluarga dan memberi kasih sayang kepada ahli keluarga.
2. Gereja
A. Semoga Tuhan memberi kita kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui cara untuk menyebarkan firman Krismas bawah keadaan pandemik supaya lebih ramai orang dapat mengetahui keamanan Yesus。
B. Berdoa agar Tuhan akan memberi pendeta dan pemimpin kebijaksanaan untuk menjaga saudara-saudari mereka yang hidup dalam wabak supaya mereka dapat keluar dari naungan wabak dengan Yesus Kristus.
C. Semoga Tuhan mengajar para Kristian cara untuk terus menjadi garam untuk Tuhan dalam era pasca pandemik supaya orang yang tidak percaya dapat melihat perbezaan kita.
3. Negara
A. Doakan pilihan raya di Sarawak pada 18 Disember
Berdoa untuk Sabtu yang akan datang, mohon Tuhan memimpin setiap pengundi melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka, mementingkan undi di tangan masing-masing dengan mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam pilihan raya.
Berdoa untuk cuaca pada hari pilihan raya, semoga Tuhan memberikan cuaca yang baik dan pengundi bersedia untuk mengikuti prosedur operasi (SOP) yang ditetapkan
Berdoa agar pilihan raya diadakan secara adil.