
卫理公会以萨迦守望者 25/11/2021 – 01/12/2021
利未记19:33 若有外人在你们国中和你同居,就不可欺负他。
希伯来书1:3 他是上帝荣耀所发的光辉,是上帝本体的真像,常用他权能的命令托住万有。他洗净了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右边。
约翰福音3:30 他必兴旺,我必衰微。
以弗所书2:14 因他使我们和睦(注:原文作“因他是我们的和睦”),将两下合而为一,拆毁了中间隔断的墙,
Issachar Watchmen Methodist(IWM) 25/11/2021 – 01/12/2021
Prayer items 4th week of November
Recently, a large number of refugees have gathered in the border areas between Belarus and European Union(EU) countries, such as Poland and Lithuania, triggering a refugee crisis of humanitarian concern. Most of the refugees come from the Middle East and are there to escape the wars in their hometowns.
Leviticus 19:33 【When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 】
【a】 Pray for the Lord to lead the World Health Organization and EU countries (especially Belarus and Poland) to value life, put aside prejudices, and have the wisdom and foresight to formulate strategies to prevent refugees from being exploited and becoming political victims.
【b】 We implore the Lord to move the relevant countries to be willing to give humanitarian assistance to refugees, establish temporary shelters, provide the necessary medical help, and allow international agencies and news media to approach the border to follow up on the situation and discuss countermeasures.
The ups and downs caused by the Pandemic situation continue to threaten people’s lives and livelihoods; There is a great deal of frustration over the unpredictable political situation for the people as they have to also face other difficulties of life.
Hebrews1:3【The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 】
【a】Faithful God, forgive our country for offending you and for violating your will; and forgive us, Lord, for not respecting you as the only true God and for not loving others as ourselves. Thank You, Lord that even if we are faithless, you remain faithful!
【b】 May the King of Kings, who has unique power, show your majesty, so that our country can be firmly established in your power and will not be shaken by corruption, heresy, vulgarity and corruption; Thank God for the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Whether it be among the different fellowships, boards and committees under the SCAC, or even among the different Annual Conferences, may we be willing to rely on God’s everlasting mercy, and be devoted to love each other in Jesus Christ. Even as the seasons change, may His workers remain faithful and prosper in the Lord.
John3:30 【He must become greater; I must become less. 】
【a】 Thank God for his guidance over the past 120 years; using our church as his vessel, to be salt and light in Sarawak, Malaysia and abroad.
【b】 Thanks to God for a smooth conference this year(online discussion and group report, etc. were all well executed).
【c】 May the Holy Spirit lead us to “renew” our church, to get out of our comfort zones, and to get more people in this new norm.
Because of the impact of the pandemic, families across the country are worried about each other or have become detached from each other. The older generation “looks at the phone and sighs”, as what they can express are very limited; while the younger generation “can’t leave their phone “, and what they express is often limited to the online world.
Ephesians2:14 【For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 】
【a】 Pray for the Lord’s love to nourish everyone who feels lonely and helpless when their relatives are not around. May the Lord prepare “angels” to become their companions, to care for their hearts, and to give immediate and practical help.
【b】 Pray for the hope of the Lord to come to all who have conflict within family, or struggle with the generation gap. May the Lord prepare all kinds of good remedies and opportunities to repair the relationship, to ignite the hope of family harmony and reconciliation, and inspire acts of mutual kindness.
Isakhar Pengawal Methodist 25/11/2021 – 01/12/2021
Doa minggu keempat November
Sejak kebelakangan ini, ribuan pendatang berkumpul di kawasan sempadan antara Belarus dan Poland, Lithuania dan negara-negara Kesatuan Eropah (EU) yang lain, mencetuskan krisis kemanusiaan pelarian yang membimbangkan. Kebanyakan pelarian berasal dari Timur Tengah, dan mereka mahu melarikan diri dari peperangan di kampung halaman mereka.
Imamat 19:33 Jika seorang warga asing tinggal dalam kalangan kamu di negerimu, jangan kamu tindas dia.
[A] Berdoa agar Tuhan memimpin Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia dan negara-negara EU (terutama Belarus dan Poland) untuk menghargai kehidupan, mengetepikan prasangka, dan mempunyai hemah serta berpandangan jauh untuk merangka strategi bagi mengelakkan berlakunya eksploitasi pelarian sebagai mangsa politik.
[B] Berdoa agar Tuhan untuk menggerakkan negara-negara yang berkenaan untuk memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan kepada pelarian, mendirikan tempat perlindungan sementara, menyediakan bantuan perubatan yang diperlukan, dan membenarkan organisasi antarabangsa dan media akhbar untuk mendekati sempadan, mengemaskini keadaan semasa, serta berbincang untuk tindakan yang sewajarnya.
Dengan ketidak tentuan pendemik, kehidupan dan mata pencarian rakyat terancam, kelonjakan dalam gelanggang politik, manakah hala tuju negara, dan pastinya rakyat keletihan menghadapi kemelut dalam kehidupan.
Ibrani1:3 Anak itu adalah sinar gemilang kemuliaan Allah dan gambaran sempurna kewujudan-Nya. Dia memelihara segala-segalanya dengan kekuasaan firman-Nya. Setelah menghapuskan dosa kita melalui diri-Nya sendiri, Dia duduk di sebelah kanan Yang Maha Mulia yang bertakhta di syurga.
[A] Berdoa agar Allah Yahweh yang besar kesetiaan, mengampuni negara kami yang telah berdosa terhadap-Mu, kami telah melanggar kehendak-Mu, mengampuni kami kerana tidak menghormati Engkau sebagai satu-satunya Tuhan yang benar, atau kasihilah sesama manusia sebagaimana kami mengasihi diri kami sendiri; Berterima kasih kepada Allah, sungguhpun kita tidak setia, Engkau tetap setia!
[B] Berdoa agar Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa dan satu-satunya yang berkuasa, menetapkan kemuliaan-Mu, mendirikan negara kami teguh dalam kuasa-Mu, tidak digoncangkan oleh rasuah, pengaruh pagan, dan tidak digoyangkan oleh kejahatan; berterima kasih kepada Allah, kita mendapat kemenangan melalui Tuhan Yesus Kristus!
Sama ada penyelarasan antara ahli persatuan kita atau pertukaran dengan majlis-majlis tahun yang berbeza, kita bersedia untuk bergantung pada belas kasihan Tuhan yang tidak terhenti untuk terus mengasihi satu sama lain dalam Yesus Kristus, dan untuk mengekalkan iman dan makmur dalam perubahan zaman. Tuan pekerja.
Yohanes 3:30 Memang sewajarnya Dia semakin utama dan aku semakin kecil.
【A】Bersyukur kepada Tuhan atas pimpinan-Nya selama 120 tahun yang lalu, gereja kita digunakan sebagai alat-Nya, untuk menjadi terang dan garam di Sarawak, Malaysia malah di luar negara.
[B] Bersyukur atas pembaharuan yang telah diadakan dengan jayanya semasa persidangan agung tahun ini (zon perbincangan dalam talian, perbincangan laporan berkumpulan, dll.)
[C] Berdoa agar Roh Kudus memimpin “pembaharuan” gereja kita, melangkah keluar dari zon selesa lama, dan menjadi penjalan insan dalam norma baharu.