卫理公会以萨迦守望者 30/12/2021 – 05/01/2022
一、 家庭
二、 教会
三、 国家
四、 世界
Issachar Watchmen Methodist(IWM) 30/12/2021 – 05/01/2022
Prayer items 1st week of January
A. Family
1.Christian families facing persecution
May God guide those Christian families facing persecution, so that they may experience God’s presence and uphold their faith. At the same time, understand that they are only passers-by in this world; and they have an eternal home in Heaven.
2.Missionary Families
May God bless them as a family with a united heart towards Mission and let them commit all their troubles to God, no matter how profound those may be.
Ask God to bless Missionary families so that they may have the wisdom and skills to build relationships with the locals, and to know how to share the Gospel with them.
B. Church
1.Pray for God to be with Pastors who are being relocated, may they quickly adapt to their new surroundings. Pray for their children to make new friends.
2.Pray for the Church as the new year begins, that God will guide Church leaders to give more thoughts and consider various options to implement God’s will for the coming year. Let us obey God’s commands to glorify His name.
C. Nation
1.Pray for Sarawak
Offer thanksgiving that Sarawak has been recognized as having equal status with West Malaysia.
May God guide the newly appointed political leaders to thrive for the welfare and the rights entitled by Sarawak, towards the goal of quality life.
2.Pray for reconstruction works after the flood disaster in West Malaysia. Pray that God guide both Government officials and local leaders to assist victims in rebuilding their homes. Pray that they may feel the concern and loving care from the community.
D. World
1.Pray for the children education in the refugee camps. May God call more volunteer workers to educate them, enrich them with knowledge.
2.Pray for Afghanistan, under the present administration, many states prohibit women to work, and girls are not allowed in school. At the same time, women must be accompanied by men outside their houses and they must wear a Burka to cover them from head to toe. Pray that God protect and guide the women of Afghanistan, so that they have hosts of Angels watching over them. Pray that God bless the Afghans with Holy Spirit so that they come to understand what Salvation is and the Love of Christ; eventually they will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. We also pray for the Taliban leaders; may the Holy Spirit touch them with the Love of Christ.
Isakhar Pengawal Methodist 30/12/2021 – 05/01/2022
Doa minggu pertama Januari
1.Keluarga beragama Kristian yang menghadapi penganiayaan
Semoga Tuhan memimpin keluarga beragama Kristian yang menghadapi penganiayaan dan penderitaan, dan membimbing mereka untuk mengalami iman dalam kehadiran Tuhan di alam sekitar. Pada masa yang sama, memahami bahawa diri adalah pendatang di dunia dan mempunyai rumah yang kekal di syurga.
2.Keluarga mubaligh
Semoga Tuhan memberikan mereka sekeluarga berjalan bersama, walau apa-apa pun masalah yang dihadapi oleh mereka sepanjang perjalanan misi, sanggup membawa masalah kepada Tuhan
Berdoa agar Tuhan memberikan kebijaksanaan dan kemahiran kepada keluarga mubaligh untuk membina hubungan dengan penduduk tempatan dan mengetahui cara menyebarkan injil kepada mereka.
1.Berdoa untuk pendeta yang dipindahkan, semoga Tuhan memimpin mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru secepat mungkin, terutamanya anak-anak mereka juga boleh mendapat kawan baharu dalam persekitaran baru.
2.Berdoa untuk tahun baru untuk gereja, moga Tuhan membimbing para pemimpin gereja untuk merancangkan program/aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin ikut kehendak Tuhan pada tahun baru. Mari kita hidup dalam kehendak Tuhan untuk memuliakan Tuhan.
1.Doa untuk Sarawak
Bersyukur atas Sarawak dinaik taraf menjadi wilayah
Semoga Tuhan memimpin pemimpin-pemimpin baharu untuk memperjuangkan lebih banyak kebajikan untuk bumi Sarawak dan memberi manfaat kepada rakyat yang tinggal di bumi ini.