卫理公会以萨迦守望者祷告事项 21/04 – 27/04



卫理公会以萨迦守望者 21/04/2022-27/04/2022



【a】继续为俄乌战争祷告,若马里乌波尔整个城市地区的乌克兰军队被歼灭,泽连斯基:俄乌和平谈判立即终止! 准备好与俄军对抗十年。求主怜悯,让战争可以平息,求主保护俄乌战争中无辜的平民。











Issachar Watchmen Methodist 21/04/2022-27/04/2022

Prayer Items for 4th week of April

1. The world

[a] Continue to pray for the Russian-Ukrainian war; if the Ukrainian army in the entire urban area of Mariupol is wiped out, the Russia-Ukraine peace talks will end immediately! Ukraine has been ready to confront the Russian army for ten years. May the Lord have mercy so that the war can end, and may the Lord protect the innocent civilians that are caught up in the war.

[b] Pray for the tension between Western countries and Eastern countries (especially the “China Threat Theory” of Western countries against China), and ask the Lord to break the work of Satan in it, to grant peace among countries, and to focus on establishing good diplomatic relations. Pray that the nations’ leaders will pay attention to the establishing of mutual assistance, the strengthening of their own countries and the welfare of the people, rather than their status in the world.

2. Country

[a] Pray for the nation’s justice system. Ask the Lord to uphold the cause of the oppressed, to set prisoners free, to lift up those who are bowed down, and to watch over the foreigner. Pray that justice will not be abused.

[b] Pray for the various construction projects in our country. Pray that the government will tighten the various standard operating procedures for projects. Pray also that the contractors will be willing to meet the safety requirements for their various projects, and that their workers can obey all of the requirements and still be able to work efficiently. Ask God to keep all parties safe.

3. Church

[a] Pray for brothers and sisters, ask the Lord to open our eyes to see His work in each area: church, society, life; to walk with Him; and, to participate in the work of expanding His kingdom.

[b] Pray for the health of the pastors. Pray that the Lord will especially protect them, be gracious to them, and grant them strong and healthy bodies as they continue to serve God and others.

4. Family

[a] Pray for the spiritual atmosphere in your home. Pray that all family members are willing to live the resurrection life in their daily lives; and, often use God’s Word and love to care for and build up each other within the family.

[b] Pray for unbelievers in your family. May they respond to God’s love soon.

Isakhar Pengawal Methodist  21/04/2022-27/04/2022

Doa minggu keempat April

1. Dunia

[a] Teruskan berdoa untuk perang Rusia-Ukraine, jika tentera Ukraine di seluruh kawasan bandar Mariupol dimusnahkan, Zelensky: Rundingan damai Rusia-Ukraine ditamatkan serta-merta! Bersedia untuk berhadapan dengan tentera Rusia selama sepuluh tahun. Semoga Tuhan mengasihani, supaya perang dapat diredakan, dan semoga Tuhan melindungi orang awam yang tidak bersalah dalam perang Rusia-Ukraine.

[b] Berdoa untuk ketegangan antara negara-negara Barat dan negara-negara Timur (terutamanya “Teori Ancaman China” negara-negara Barat terhadap China), dan minta Tuhan untuk memecahkan kerja Syaitan Iblis di dalamnya, untuk memberikan keamanan antara negara, dan untuk memberi tumpuan kepada mewujudkan hubungan diplomatik yang baik, memberi perhatian kepada penubuhan bantuan bersama, penubuhan negara mereka sendiri, kebajikan rakyat, dan bukannya status mereka di dunia.

2. Negara

[a] Berdoa untuk keadilan negara. Berdoa agar Tuhan untuk membalas orang yang dianiaya, membebaskan orang yang dipenjarakan, mengangkat orang yang tertindas, dan melindungi orang asing. Berdoa agar keadilan tidak disalahgunakan.

[b] Berdoa untuk semua jenis projek pembinaan dalam negara, dan berdoa agar kerajaan dapat mengetatkan pelbagai prosedur operasi standard untuk projek, agar kontraktor bersedia memenuhi keperluan keselamatan pelbagai projek, agar pekerja dapat mematuhi semua keperluan dan bekerja dengan cekap . Mohon kepada Allah agar semua pihak selamat.

3. Gereja

[a] Berdoa agar Tuhan membuka mata rohani anda untuk melihat kerja Tuhan dalam setiap persekitaran (gereja, masyarakat, kehidupan), berjalan dengan Tuhan, dan mengambil bahagian dalam kerja menperluaskan kerajaan Tuhan.

[b] Berdoa untuk kesihatan pastor-pastor. Berdoalah agar Tuhan akan menlindungi mereka, berbelas kasihan kepada mereka, agar mempunyai tubuh dan minda yang kuat dan sihat untuk melayani Tuhan dan orang lain. 

4. Keluarga

[a] Berdoa untuk atmosfera rohani di rumah anda. Berdoalah agar semua ahli keluarga sanggup menhidupkan kehidupan kebangkitan Yesus Kristus dalam kehidupan mereka, dalam keluarga mereka, dan sering menggunakan firman dan kasih Allah untuk menjaga dan membina satu sama lain dalam keluarga.

[b] Khasnya doakan untuk anggota keluarga yang belum percaya kepada Yesus. Semoga mereka segera membalas kasih sayang Allah.




